Rev. Peter Kamau


Rev. Peter Kamau is a minister of the gospel, family man, author, counseling psychologist and an entrepreneur based in Kenya. He serves God under the apostolic umbrella of Destiny Ministries International and its worship arm, Destiny Worship Centre - entities pioneered by Bishop Titus Mbai and Rev. Jaminah Mbai. He is married to Pastor Florence N. Kamau and they are blessed with 2 children, Ephraim and Grace.

On 8th September 1998 while in prayer and fasting in a remote village of his birth and upbringing, God appeared to Peter in an audible voice that He has called him with a local and global mandate in the Kingdom. The Lord specified even the number of nations and amazing details unfolded that hot Tuesday afternoon (finer details withheld). Based on the prevailing situation then, this Word looked oddly placed for there were more able men in His team and with better family backgrounds but God continued to confirm this Word in camps and conventions in diverse ways. The seed of God kept growing under the care of different servants of God as the season demanded.

After his graduation in Mechanical Engineering (Production Option), Peter was to later to abandon his career and concentrate on full-time Ministry. The season began with dynamic evangelistic outreaches in western Kenya and on to the Nations. As the calling has continued to unfold, his 17 years of full-time ministry to the body of Christ has been clearly demonstrated by fruits of growth and establishment.

Peter has this five-fold mandate to the body of Christ:
1). Equipping the body of Christ for Ministry.
2). Discipleship of Nations.
3). Equip and lead the church into prophetic intercession.
4). Equip and lead the church to the ripe harvest fields.
5). Ambassador for the rebirth of a new Africa.

What to get in touch with us

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